(This is an opinion piece. These are my educated opinions on any possible or probable outcome(s). As always, I do not support any illegal or unconstitutional activities.)
On July 13th, an assassin attempted to kill Donald Trump. Not “blue-MAGA” or “blue-Anon,” but a single deranged twenty-year-old man. At this point in the investigation, it doesn’t even appear to be politically motivated (by the shooter.)
I want to make my stance clear at this point: unlike MAGA, we don’t condone illegal, violent political activity.
The Jan 6 insurrectionists? MAGA and its leader, Donald Trump, say they are “Heroes” and “Warriors.” Meanwhile, they also support conspiracy theories (false) that it was a peaceful demonstration and that they were hoodwinked into looking like terrorists. Well, it can’t be both, can it? They have threatened and terrorized elected officials, prosecutors, judges, election officials–and their families. So much for supporting “traditional American values.” One of those values should be not to terrorize American citizens.
What about the assassin who tried to kill Trump? How are “we” any different from them (MAGA)? Simple. We don’t condone the man who attempted to assassinate Trump. Per “us” non-MAGA, he is a deranged criminal who got what he deserved (killed.) We don’t hold him up as a “hero” like MAGA does with its violent political terrorists.
What about the conspiracy theory that President Biden ordered his assassination? Well, if he did, I can assure you a trained marksman would not miss with a rifle at 150 meters. No, the government did not order an assassination, which is good as the Secret Service failed its job in spectacular fashion against a single untrained civilian.
We are not the same as MAGA. Why? Because we don’t support criminal acts and terrorism like they do. My book and website have shown, ad nauseam, that MAGA does support terrorism and criminal acts. MAGA argues that we are fascists and that we are no different in our tactics and goals than they are. This is called projection, or them saying that it is us (non-MAGA) that are the terrorists and criminals, not them. We (non-MAGA) are not “also” terrorists and terrorist supporters.
So, back to the title of this blog:
Welcome to the “new” Republican party–The Fascist Party of America. The FPA.
On July 18th, Donald Trump accepted the nomination to be President and represent the Republican Party. Since MAGA does not share Republican values (except for its conservative goals), we can now officially consider it a terrorist group. Their leader is in charge of MAGA and is himself an unapologetic convicted felon many times over. MAGA has made clear they do not value the checks and balances and independent branches of government, nor the two or more viable political parties–The cornerstone of our democracy for over 240 years.
This formerly Republican party now condones illegal and terroristic actions to overthrow democracy in America. I have made clear how this is the case. Even MAGA itself admits it is now a terrorism-supporting entity. Donald Trump is now the official Republican nominee. In other words, the Republican “law and order” charter and their goals and objectives are no longer. It is now the party of fascism and terrorism and has a convicted felon as its leader. This is not my opinion; it is a fact. MAGA has engaged in and continues to engage in terrorism. They are attempting to establish a theocratic-supported (by pseudo-Christians) fascist (one-party rule) government. By default, if Trump is your nominee, then a vote for him (Republican) is now a vote for MAGA. He is their leader, and millions of his followers (sheep, not lions) will do whatever crazy (and often illegal) thing he suggests in a tweet—a case in point is the insurrection of Jan 6.
The following days, after the assassination attempt, brought the official endorsement of Trump (and all of MAGA) as the Republican nominee and party, and the day after that was Judge Cannon’s baseless dismissal of an entire case against Trump. She clearly hopes he will be the next President. He appointed her and will reward her fealty and utter disregard for the rule of law. This and SCOTUS show the Judicial branch’s demise in the “checks-and-balances” of our government.
I have had discussions with many who do not want to be involved in politics, don’t like either candidate, etc. I have what you need to talk about here for you. America is effectively a two-party system; the Democrats want to keep a two-party system with checks and balances between different branches of government (liberal democracy), and MAGA–which intends to eliminate that by putting controlling power into their party only–to include consolidating controlling power in MAGA’s leader as POTUS (fascism). I have shown and even prognosticated the actions that MAGA has taken, and is taking, to establish their one-party rule and disable the regular checks and balances of government.
Judicial branch: SCOTUS: The 6-3 Conservative super majority is busy making unconstitutional things the law, allowing insurrectionists to run for government office unhindered, overturning Roe v Wade, putting up the 10 Commandments in schools– which will also be approved by the high court (wait, it will), overturning LGBTQ+ protections, etc.
Legislative branch: All but ten Republicans voted not to impeach Trump for his guilty actions on Jan 6. Thanks to SCOTUS, he can lawfully claim absolute immunity for any “official act” or have valid cases thrown out without legitimate cause by “lesser” judges. Which will be any act he takes for the next 4, 8, or more years (surely you don’t think MAGA will get rid of the 22nd Amendment for “the good of the people,” do you?) He can also move to have VP Vance be his puppet in future elections and rule from behind the curtain, just like “President” Putin did. Do you think the new MAGA Republicans will go against “President and supreme ruler” Donald Trump? Or will they go along with everything their MAGA leader, and his millions of MAGA followers, demand in order to stay in power?
Executive branch: Trump has pushed for weaponizing the Justice Department to go after political rivals and “vindicate” anyone who is on MAGA’s side. To eliminate the free press (1st amendment) to attack and stop the ratification of an opponent’s election to POTUS (12th amendment), get rid of civil service protections for all federal employees (making them at will employees that are at MAGA’s mercy to stay employed), etc. Free speech will also have to go. “Subversives”, such as myself, will lose any meaningful platform to speak out against them. We will eventually become criminals under their new laws. I hope we stop them before this prognostication becomes a reality.
So, now that it looks increasingly likely that the stupid and bewildered herd of MAGA may get their autocrat-worshipping dictator-to-be, I need to be especially precise in what I am saying:
To anyone who votes for Trump or his MAGA-supporting politicians, you are not voting Republican anymore…You are supporting and encouraging career criminals, terrorism, fascism, extremist pseudo-Christianity, and the destruction of liberal democracy in America. You are voting AGAINST what America stands for–Liberty and Justice FOR ALL and protecting the US Constitution.
There is no Republican party now–only MAGA.
If you are Republican and this angers you, good. You lost your “law and order” party to MAGA. Don’t make it worse by voting for fascists and criminals also. Let’s get Trump out of office and in jail–where he belongs (convicted felon, remember.) Then you can work on getting the Republican party back from the dead to protect our two-party system and VOTE for conservative ideals…