Foreign visas, but not for you, only for them

(This is an opinion piece.  These are my educated opinions on any possible or probable outcome(s).  As always, I do not support any illegal or unconstitutional activities.)

Hi MAGA! I just read an interesting article:

In it, Trump aligns with Musk on allowing H1-B visas. The rich have no problem exploiting “foreign” labor or having “foreign” wives, but you MAGA peeps should not.

No. That is for your wealthy overlords—not you.

Why are they supporting these visas? It’s called hypocrisy, something you (MAGA) are going to become very accustomed to. Here is why your dream world of “Make America Great Again” is going to fail, and badly. You hire the wealthiest people to run the country because you want to make life easier for the common man (yes, men only—women and minorities are second-class humans to you).

If you could think it through logically, who is better for “the common man,” Donald Trump or the Democrats? You are probably not in the top income or wealth bracket. Do you know who is? Almost everyone in DJT’s cabinet. Do you know who isn’t?

You and me.

So, when he does these significant tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy and gets you to buy in—by slightly lowering yours—guess who wins? Not you and me. We pay the interest on the 36 trillion-dollar (and growing!) national debt. We pay extra when they cut “socialist” programs like Medicare and Medicaid. We pay extra for the premium added to the cost of imported tariff goods. We subsidize rich people sending their kids to private schools with our tax money, etc.

MAGA—I realize that, if you are reading this at all, these concepts have false narratives to “explain” them all to you. But reality will always strike and strike hard. In four years, the wealthiest ten percent will be even further ahead, and you and I will be the ones paying to subsidize their ever-growing wealth. The worst part is you won’t even realize it at first. You will blame any bad things on the former administration or Democrats, and anything good will be from Trump’s administration. But in the end, your bank account cannot lie to you. You can blame whoever you like, but these next four years are ALL ON YOU. Watch and learn (hopefully learn). So, when rich people inevitably reward themselves at your expense, you will one day have to realize the depth of your denialism.

So, going back to the H1-B visas—

Why are Trump and Musk big on them? Because it allows THEIR wives and children to be here and THEIR house cleaners and others who work “black jobs” to continue. And because, by the nature of the average MAGA person, they won’t be able to find enough educated, competent, rational-thinking people from the MAGA herd to fill the tech jobs. And, before you get mad, that is what Trump and Musk are saying about you! That’s what they mean by saying they need foreigners to fill “your” jobs.

THAT is why they are supporting H1-B visas. They need the best of the best.

And that isn’t you, obviously.

No, according to your overlords, America needs to look outside the United States for intelligent workers for those tech jobs.

The liberal ones have already left or won’t work for you—the ones that live in blue states and major cities, the ones with advanced degrees in STEM and computers. In short—not MAGA.

Enjoy the next four years. The only joy I will get—is watching you realize what you have done. I am mean to you, MAGATs (MAGA Terrorists/Terrorist Supporters), because you deserve it—for destroying my country and attacking your fellow Americans! But I do hope you change. Real Americans—who believe in liberty and justice FOR ALL and in protecting the US Constitution (from you!) will welcome you back.

And no, Project 2025, Americans will not “allow” you to destroy our country. It will only be “bloodless” if you stop attacking our rights and freedoms. We will resist peacefully and legally if we possibly can, but we will not just sit back and let you destroy our liberal democracy. That is the oath ALL soldiers and police took—to protect the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. And the oath everyone who has ever recited the Pledge of Allegiance has taken.


Remember that part of the Pledge of Allegiance when we fight against you to protect our fellow Americans from tyranny—from you.

MAGA are the opposite of patriots; they are traitors.

And on that note—Happy Holidays!

May you always be free!

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