(This is an opinion piece. These are my educated opinions on any possible, or probable, outcome(s). As always, I do not support any illegal or unconstitutional activities—unlike MAGA.)
So, the transition to an authoritarian, and fascist, America has begun—just as I and others said it would.
Please take the time to read this excellent article, it explains what is currently happening in America—and it is not good:
Suppose you are MAGA? Kudos to you for reading articles from your enemy (who loves America’s liberal democracy and Constitutional freedoms, the things that POTUS and friends are busy dismantling). Even if you hate “liberals”, I think you will find that, in this article, the message of the destruction of our democracy being in full swing is accurate. Hope you like fascism! Because of your “win” you may not have a choice about it for long…
Please visit my other blogs, as I will update my prognostications—as they frighteningly become true. Please stay active against the worst enemy we have ever faced—the actual “Enemy from Within”—MAGA.
Thank you for your resistance of these MAGA traitors, for working with others in solidarity against them, and—