America in Duress

(This is an opinion piece.  These are my, educated, opinions on any possible, or probable, outcome(s).  As always, I do not support any illegal or unconstitutional activities.)

This is the article I dreaded having to write.

We are now (or will be in January) a Christian Nationalist Nation (not a Christian one or a free one) and soon, within his first term or his next, a fascist one. They go together. SCOTUS will now work with POTUS and Congress to dismantle our democracy to fulfill any of Trump’s desires.

We will have a felon and fascist as president.

We will suffer under a Christian Nationalist agenda.

But… We WILL persevere!!

Fascism must be stopped. No matter how hard, no matter what it takes, we must protect our democracy from these traitors.

For people (including some that I know) who think it will all be “just fine,” here is a partial list of the things that will not be “just fine” after they start their attacks on us:


  • Several hundred domestic terrorists (who attacked our democracy) will be released in his first week. They will be his first soldiers of many. Any MAGA-supporting groups (Domestic Terror groups) just got a green light to “support” their president. They will never be labeled (legally) as terrorist groups.
  • ALL federal employees will be forced to implement Trump and MAGA’s agenda. Once laws are changed, they will have no choice (besides being fired or quitting federal service) in enforcing these new laws. But don’t worry, SCOTUS will be there to ensure they fit in with “God’s plan.” Oh, I meant they will make sure the laws are constitutional…
  • The First Amendment is toast. They will go after the free press, including individual citizens and bloggers such as myself. They will use all methods to do so. Anyone who spoke out, or speaks out, against him and MAGA will be targeted. Forget free assembly and redress of grievances. They probably won’t even prosecute MAGA for illegal actions. Hell, he will probably call out the National Guard and use undercover agitators just to make any assembly they don’t like a “riot.” Then, they can use force to discourage future unrest. If I were a bad guy (I am not)— I would do that.
  • Speaking of bad guys— illicit actions will not be once they change the laws.
  • The 22nd Amendment is going away; Trump is your new PFL (President for Life). Remember, he said if he won, his followers would never have to vote again.
  • SCOTUS, or I should say SCOG (Supreme Court of Gilead), will help the new administration force a pseudo-Christian (Christian Nationalist) agenda on all of us. The scary part is that unconstitutional things will become “constitutional” and “legal.”
  • Ukraine just lost. He will cut off their funding. Remember how much Trump idolizes Putin’s power? I hope Ukraine wins, but hopes and prayers don’t work to stop Russia.
  • LGBTQ+ and women’s rights just lost. the Republic of Gilead is coming.
  • Israel will be fully supported, and Palestine will be disregarded.
  • Hard-core pseudo-Christians will direct the nation’s only “true” religion, prepare to see new laws, executive orders, etc., protecting only “Christianity.”
  • Taiwan, I wouldn’t expect much help from “America First.”
  • The Republican Party? Not anymore. Your party is gone forever. The “Republican Party” is now the Fascist MAGA Party. And is to be treated as such.


To everyone who voted for Trump. Congratulations! You just destroyed liberal democracy and installed a fascist. You are, quite literally, the worst Americans to have ever lived.

To MAGA, reap what you sow. You will now see what an unhinged monster Donald Trump is. He will go after everyone who has ever slighted him, including me. There will be no respect for law and order (outside of his desires), and he and MAGA will work to make sure our liberal democracy is destroyed. Forever.

I know, if you are MAGA and reading this, that excites you. You will say, “the Libtards are crying big crocodile tears!” At first, you will be thrilled! You won!

Congratulations again.

Watch what happens next and learn. Soon, you will live under new rules. As the months and years go by, you will see it. And when some new laws start coming that you don’t like?

You will not be able to do anything about it.

You just elected a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, a draft dodger, and a con man. He is someone with NO respect for the law, other people’s rights, or our Constitution. Watch as MAGA destroys our country and its liberal democracy piece by piece.

Anyone with a properly functioning brain realizes how bad this is for America and the world. MAGA will find out their leader has been in it for himself since the beginning. He will act based on his whims, not trusted advice or facts.

All of America just lost.

We will be an “America First” nation. Which really means “Trump first.” If you were a foreign country, what would you think of us now?

“But we are going to be prosperous because of Trump’s “America First” policies!,” MAGA will say.

Let’s look at what these policies are actually going to do:

Tariffs will drive up inflation, and the deficit and national debt will skyrocket. But that is OK because “there will be so much growth!” Really, with massive tariffs, do you honestly think we will see that? With the costs of mass deportations and no one to fill their now empty jobs? With a world that now looks at us like a powerful (and dangerous) fascist country? With a man in charge that no other democratic country respects, one who is clearly unhinged? A man with a “hooray for me and F— you” mentality toward the rest of the world and toward anyone he doesn’t like? A country that does not care about the rest of the world?

No, winter is coming.

Why? Because Trump is a “know it all” and will not listen to his much more experienced advisors. Remember Fauci? What does he know? Just inject bleach.

That will be every policy coming from America.

American policy will not be thought out with the help of knowledgeable advisors but just be whatever crazy thing pops into his head. His “advisors” will all be sycophantic “yes-men” who will not advise him to do anything besides what he wants. Things are going to go very badly for the USA. And sooner, not later.

Speaking of States.

Our most significant resistance to this new fascism will be State rights, ironically. So, it will be the “Divided States of America.”

MAGA is going to give extra-large crumbs to its followers (The TCJA and other things to reward them for their fealty to Trump).

And the 90% of Americans who are not wealthy? You will get shafted. The best part is that his followers will be so happy with the crumbs that they won’t realize this all adds to the national debt—mainly paid by us, not the rich. Meanwhile, the most significant breaks and benefits will go to the wealthy. Do they think a narcissistic billionaire really cares about them?

They do; that’s why MAGA are just useful idiots.

Thanks to our flawed electoral college, enough of our population wants tyranny over democracy. But not the majority of American citizens! We WILL resist tyranny.

It will be challenging, but we must fight to retain and regain our country’s liberal democracy. Do not stop protecting our democracy. Do not turn a blind eye.

To our elected Democrats in government, we demand you fight these monsters with everything you have—the fate of our democracy hangs in the balance!


You and I are not alone!

Over a hundred million Americans are against Trump and Fascism. In fact, when polls close and the votes are tallied, everyone will see how our flawed electoral college “overruled” the majority of American voters. Again.

And if Trump does have a majority of the popular vote? Then I guess the American people DO want fascism.

Oh yeah, let’s make sure Trump serves as POTUS from where he belongs—prison. If they want a felon as president, let them figure out how he can do it from jail…


I realize this blog is depressing but, unlike Trump and MAGA, I am not going to lie to you.


Let’s band together and fight MAGA anywhere and everywhere, for as long as it takes, to get our democracy back. Support each other in the dark days ahead. Do not turn a blind eye; protect each other, and fight for each other’s rights.

We WILL retake America from the Fascists!




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