(This is an opinion piece. These are my educated opinions on any possible or probable outcome(s). As always, I do not support any illegal or unconstitutional activities.)
Welcome everyone.
I am glad we can drop the “alleged” adjective that all of us law-abiding people have to use and finally call Donald Trump what he is:
A felon.
Not an “alleged” felon, but a felon thirty-four times over. One with three more cases and dozens more felony charges still needing adjudication.
Donald Trump is a felon, and his supporters still think he should be POTUS.
Let that sink in.
As a convicted felon, Donald Trump is legally barred from holding any governmental position in the USA, except for Congress or POTUS. This raises serious questions about the integrity of our system. We cannot afford to let MAGA vote him in as POTUS. It is imperative that our politicians uphold the Fourteenth Amendment—and the others.
To the MAGA fanatics out there, we want to be clear. We don’t want any felons working anywhere in government! Regardless of political affiliation.
They (MAGA) already are going to say the POTUS election is fraudulent if he loses, just as they are now saying that about his convictions (all thirty-four of them). We know they would applaud “justice” if he had been ruled not guilty on all charges. So, MAGA’s hypocrisy is already apparent to everyone at this point. MAGA will continue fighting against the rule of law, just as they are fighting against our liberal democracy.
Any MAGA adherent (or anyone who claims to be a “Republican” that votes for him) that wishes to argue their indefensible position–that they are not supporting a criminal and fascist to destroy our democracy and turn us into a fascist state–is delusional and stupid.
If they wish to argue, have them explain how they are Republicans and MAGA at the same time:
They cannot be.
Republicans support law and order as one of their guiding principles. Trump is a convicted felon. You cannot vote for law and order while promoting a felon to POTUS.
MAGA must be stopped.
I know I am probably not telling you anything new, but please help spread awareness about how dangerous MAGA is to our liberal democracy.
Make sure to vote and encourage others to do the same!
Our democratic republic will die a horrible death and, worse, become a fascist state if we do not stop them. I hope you do not have to read this later and agree with my prognostication.
Could you share the word and spread the message?
Thank you for helping America stay a free liberal democracy.
May you ALWAYS be free!!